Flowers that mean love!
January 30 , 2017 wedding

Flowers that mean love!

From expressing love to appreciation or sorrow, all flowers have hidden meanings dating back centuries. So if you’re thinking of gifting someone a bunch of flowers, why not go that extra mile and make sure that your blooms are expressing your true feelings.The petals on each of the flowers below will guide you as to which flowers you should give to express particular emotions. Pay careful attention to the colour of the petals too – these match the colour of the flower and its meaning.

For example, a red rose represents love, but a yellow rose expresses friendship.

Flowers That Mean Love

When the Ancient Greeks spoke of love they recognised the existence of six different varieties; deep friendship, playful love, love for everyone, longstanding love, self-love, and passionate love. Whilst we all know that red roses symbolise love, did you know that different flowers actually express different types of love? These flowers all express love, but in different ways:

Acacia (Yellow) – Secret Love

The Acacia can range from barely-there pale yellow to vibrant gold, but be careful if you see them being exchanged – they symbolise secret love or infidelity!
Primrose (Yellow) – Young Love

This delicate yellow flower symbolises young love and essentially means “I can’t live without you.”
Tulips (Yellow) – Hopeless Love

Over the years the meaning of the yellow tulip has evolved. Originally they represented hopeless love, but over the years their meaning has shifted to express cheerful thoughts.
Chrysanthemum (Red) – I Love

Receiving a red chrysanthemum from someone is a symbol of love and their affection for you. They make a gorgeous alternative to roses for that special someone in your life.
Honeysuckle (Red) – Bonds of Love

Depending on the variety of honeysuckle, the flowers can bloom white and yellow, pink or red. The red variety represents the bonds of love, and is a wonderfully fragrant way to express your feelings towards your spouse. Be warned if you own cats though, the wood contains nepetalactone which is the active ingredient in catnip!

Melianthus (Red) – Sweet Love

The melianthus is a glorious flower which blooms rapidly and produces bright red clusters of flowers. It’s named from the Greek word “meli” which means honey, and “anthos” which means flower hence the flowers themselves representing sweet love.
Rose (Red) – Love

The ultimate expression of love; red roses are synonymous with romance and love but did you know that the number you give can also change the meaning? A single red rose shows love, a dozen expresses gratitude, twenty-five means congratulations and fifty represents unconditional love!
Catchfly (Red) – Youthful Love

This bright and beautiful flower symbolises the head-over-heels love of your youth.
Myrtle (Pink) – Love

In Greek mythology the Myrtle plant is sacred to Demeter, Aphrodite and Venus so it comes as no surprise that it represents love and is even the Hebrew symbol for marriage!
Bridal Rose (Pale Pink/White) – Happy Love

With a name like the bridal rose, it’s no surprise that it represent happy love! Very pale pink or white in colour, this rose is the bride on her wedding day – pure and revealing everlasting love.
Forget-Me-Not (Blue) – True Love

These stunning blue flowers live up to their name perfectly – expressing love and fond memories towards the recipient.
Lilac (Purple) – First Feelings of Love

If you just feel yourself starting to fall for someone special then the perfect way to express those early feelings is with a beautiful bouquet of lovely lilacs.

Flowers That Mean Thank You
Flowers are frequently used to convey special messages. Showing your appreciation or gratitude with an armful of beautiful flowers is a sure-fire way to delight your hardworking employee, helpful friend or supportive loved one:

Agrimony (Yellow) – Thankfulness/Gratitude

If you’re looking to express your thankfulness and gratitude, look no further than the golden hues of the agrimony flower.
Canterbury Bells (Bellflower) (White) – Acknowledgement
Canterbury Bells symbolise gratitude, faith and constancy, so are the perfect thank-you for someone who has been there for you through good times and bad.
Peppermint (Green) – Warmth of Feelings
Peppermint blooms the most gorgeous pink and white candy-striped flowers that you’ve ever seen! Pick up a sprig on a country walk and give to someone you care for to show the warmth of your feelings towards.
Salvia (Blue) – I Think of You

The salvia flower has a truly unique shape to it. Whilst they come in a range of colours, the blue variety expresses that you are thinking of the recipient, perfect for if you’re going to be away for a few days but want your loved ones to know that they’re looking after your heart whilst you’re away.

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