As aptly said by Vincent Van Gogh- Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well. We at WeddingMemoirs, strive, out of love & in love, to give you the Wedding of your Dreams!


Bridal Accessories

Boutonnieres, Corsages, Mittens/Gloves, Headgear, Hats, Crown/Tiara, Purses/Clutch, Sashes, Belts, Garters, Bouquets, Handkerchief, Tiepins etc.


Church & Venue Décor

Church Décor- Altar, pews, customised candles, kneeling cushions, chair décor, ring holder, entrance décor Venue Décor-colour themes, centrepieces, cake table décor, entrance, stage/backdrop, baskets, table pieces, confetti pouches etc.


Additional Services

Cakes, Cake Toppers, Toasting Glasses, Photography/ Videography, CAR Décor, DJs, MCs, Live Streaming etc

About Us

Your happiest dream is for us to make it come alive!!

We @ WeddingMemoirsdxb provide customised bridal accessories, church/ venue décor, table décor, cakes, cake toppers & toasting glasses with a guarantee of the freshest & the most innovative ideas, keeping up with the Sanctity & Tradition of a Catholic Wedding. Take a look at what we have to offer you & it’s our promise to make your wedding a venture of Love, an unfading memory, long cherished by you & your loved ones.


Recent posts

History of Cakes!
December 24, 2016 wedding

History of Cakes!

The contemporary wedding cake has grown out of several different ethnic traditions. One of the first traditions began in Ancient Rome where bread was broken over the bride’s head to bring good fortune to the couple.In Medieval England cakes were stacked as high as possible for the bride and groom to kiss over. A successful kiss meant they were guaranteed a prosperous life together.

Flowers that mean love!
January 30, 2017 wedding

Flowers that mean love!

From expressing love to appreciation or sorrow, all flowers have hidden meanings dating back centuries. So if you’re thinking of gifting someone a bunch of flowers, why not go that extra mile and make sure that your blooms are expressing your true feelings.The petals on each of the flowers below will guide you as to which flowers you should give to express particular emotions. Pay careful attention to the colour of the petals too – these match the colour of the flower and its meaning.

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